List of publications

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with you, including through articles or comments published in various magazines and journals. Below you will find a full list of my publications.

Limit on contractual penalties in public procurement – where to draw the line?

A limit on contractual penalties in public procurement – is it even a real thing? Or perhaps contracting authorities are not limited by any rules in this regard? Hubert and I have analyzed this issue, mainly in the context of an interesting judgment passed by the National Appeals Chamber.

Sebastian Pietrzyk
Attorney-at-law, public procurement expert
Hubert Wiśniewski
Attorney-at-law, Counsel at GESSEL

ABC of public procurement (in light of the new Public Procurement Law Act), January 01, 2021

A comprehensive guide through public procurement, covering extensive and complex public procurement law regulations that have been in effect since January 01, 2021.

Sebastian Pietrzyk, Mikołaj Chałas, Magdalena Górniewicz

Public procurement contracts for deliveries and services (based on the newly-adopted Public Procurement Law Act), August 28, 2020

A publication intended primarily for those organizing or participating in public tenders for deliveries and/or services.

Sebastian Pietrzyk, Mikołaj Chałas, Magdalena Górniewicz

Public contracts below the EU thresholds, May 29, 2020

A detailed discussion on public procurement processes below the EU thresholds in light of the newly-adopted Public Procurement Law Act.

Sebastian Pietrzy, Mikołaj Chałas

If you
  • intend to participate in a public tender;
  • wish to avoid unpleasant surprises, and know that your bid will be defect-free;
  • seek convenience and a sense of security;
  • would like to understand what it’s all about;
  • want to rest assured that all services are provided by a reliable expert …
Or perhaps you need to:
  • get someone to verify the accuracy of your actions taken in the course of a public procurement procedure;
  • conduct an audit of a public procurement or your own processes;
  • file an appeal with the National Appeals Chamber …
Whatever the situation, I am here to help. Feel free to get in touch any time.
+48 606 406 531
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PZP - Limit on contractual penalties in public procurement.pdf

Learn more about the limit of contractual penalties in public procurement – a vital and up-to-date issue.

In order to get the report, fill in all the fields below, tick the consent box, and click “download report.”